Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hectic Week – Part 2: An Old Lady

As I was driving around the area behind Kota Raya on the way to collect a document earlier this morning, I chanced upon seeing an old Chinese lady standing at the intersection of the walkway. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t go eyeing old ladies up and down wherever I go, but this particular scene struck something deep in me.

You see, she looked like she was at least 80, and had a sling bag which I think was blue in colour (like the ones you see in movies portraying china scenes). She didn’t look like a beggar, but more of a traveler. She was alone, holding a small piece of paper, looking around perplexed as aged lines furrowed her face, lost in thought and possibly just simply… lost.

As I sat in the car, my heart literally felt saddened:
1. Why is she alone?
2. Why doesn’t she have anyone to help show her way?
3. Is she living on the streets?
4. Where are her children?

I almost wanted to stop my car and assist her or at least lead her to the nearest policeman. But didn’t do so because:
1. I can’t communicate in Chinese well, and I personally doubt is she spoke English.
2. The traffic lights turned green, and there was a long line of cars behind me, all ready to honk me down should I hesitate to drive on.

Even now, thinking about it, just be grateful for what you have – you are not on the streets, you have someplace to sleep, you have the skill to use a PC, you have friends around you (just don’t take them for granted and abuse the friendship) and many more countless blessings.

There I was previously getting upset over my experience whilst making a certain report, but there are more things happening around which is more upsetting.

Just count your blessings instead.


Anonymous said...

I like your thoughts...

Anonymous said...

I've seen a few old ladies wondering by themselves and wondered what happened to their children/relatives.