Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A tale of one and the other

What one tale could it be? I guess as the major one, the one where I lost bowling on Sunday night, probably due to tiredness. The defeat was acceptable, after all, who can win every game they play everytime? But to play only three games and felt like shit afterwards is something else. What made matters worse is that I scored below 100 pins in the third and final game, dragging my team’s average score down and consequently had to treat drinks. Still not really an excuse though, but had one bad case of headache after. I guess it was the first sign that not all is well with me physically. Still, it was rather fun, as screams could be heard penetrating the very essence of the air quite often (as the place was very deserted – we were about the only ones playing when we got there), when one of the girls agonise over the bowling ball going into the longkang.

The next day, my headache had seem to disappear, and with some spare time at hand (due to force leave from the company with one day annual leave deducted - bummer!), I thought I would go to MidValley to look for a white pair of pants for the upcoming concert in November. Saw quite a few, but mostly were the drawstring types with the materials being a bit “light”. Was kind of concerned that if I wear that for the concert on stage, and once the spotlight shines, it would be very see through. Am definitely not that Diva (what’s the male equivalent? – Divo?) to show what bits and pieces may be underneath! Better not take that risk! Lost count of the many shops I went into, but nothing took my fancy. I did check out Metrojaya, Jusco, Giordano, PDI Authentics, Padini, Zara, Dockers (they don’t do whites), Levis, G2000, etc… with no results. Sigh. Left midvalley almost empty handed. I did pick up my coat after doing some alterations on it though. By the time I got back, my headache returned full force and my whole body felt so lethargic. Was planning to catch up on my DVD watching, but even that I had to forego and went to bed just after 9:00pm. Definitely not a good sign of being well. The last time I slept this early, I had a raging fever.

As for the other, well, woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet for a biggie. Thus, the other sign was there that definitely my body was fighting some kind of microscopic attack. Even after the morning sun has risen well over the horizon, I felt totally weak. Not sure if it was due to over sleeping (can anyone ever over sleep?) or results of some internal battle in my body. In any case, lost track of the number of times I had gone to the toilet already. Not fully recovered yet. Was supposed to go for a lunch appointment with some ex-Uni mates, but got postponed to don’t know when, as something came up for one of the guys. Blessing in disguise I guess, so I can stay in a bit more and hope my body stablises.

Have a photoshoot later this afternoon for the individual mug shots for our programme in November. Supposed to be all white. Don’t have all white yet though, but the guys said they will think of something for me. Not sure if I will be “fit” enough to go, but will see.


laymank said...

geez... no fun to get sick during holidays...

get well soon!

Alex said...

better already... thanks!

Anonymous said...

Good mah you lau sai before taking pics. Will look a bit thinner. Hahahah!! Eh? You also kat Mid Valley on Monday? I was there too.

Alex said...

Hahahaaaa... not good if lau sau in the whites! :P

But recovered by then. I narrowed it down to something sweet I ate the day before which was in a container for a while already...

Yeah, was in MidValley but didn't see you! And I went again on Wednesday. Managed to get my white pants! (off white a bit):)