Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Momentary Respite

Took this picture yesterday as I was leaving the office. What does it say to you?

For me, it reminded me again that, "Though in darkness, there is light and beauty". Was feeling a bit down in the dumps yesterday, but a few incidences sort of jolted me back to reality (don't know what word to use here, but reality is a good word as any).

Was reading the newspaper during dinner, and saw this picture and article about this elderly woman who survives on RM100 a month. Moreover, she looks after her handicapped son. After that jolt, my concerns seemed very selfish. Here I am, who would usually spend RM45 or RM100 on a particular book (comic or otherwise), and there she was, surviving on such meagre amounts. Am I not blessed?

Felt really tired last night, and nodded off even though I had just wanted a momentary shuteye. It was very early, and I had not expected to sleep yet. Had wanted to memorise a few more songs for the coming concert, but just couldn't keep my eyes open. A close friend later called, and though I was a bit groggy, it was good to be thought of and remembered.

Did it rain last night? No, it didn't. It literally poured, with rain strongly pelting the window panes. Again, I thought, blessed am I, to have shelter. Blessed am I indeed...... It's as though the tears of heaven have fallen in sympathy with my earlier self. Yet, it brings forth a new day, ... and a new outlook in life.

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