Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Fishy Tale

Have you ever wondered upon the impact of rain? Do we want more rainfall? Less rainfall? Does rain affect you?

Am sure rainfalls are beneficial to some people. Rainfall does freshen the air, clear the polluted air, and dispersing the haze filled sky. I suppose it acts as a critical source of water for irrigation purposes as well as filling the water dams for the provision of our daily usage of water.

But to others, it may be an inconvenience. For me, I observe that it usually rains just before office hour ends for the day, thereby usually causing flash floods around the city and massive traffic crawls. Despite that, I do welcome rain, and see it is a cycle of purification.

When I was in Sarawak last weekend, it kept raining everyday, with prolonged periods of a couple of hours. I saw my dad catching fishes in the pond, and was asking why. My parents told me that given the rainy period, there are less fishes available for sale in the market, because rain disrupts the local fishermen’s daily catches, resulting in higher prices of fish all around. Not only that, was told that prices of chilly has gone up. It now costs about RM14 per kg, which is considered very high. Not sure how much it costs in KL though. I seem to take these things for granted and buy from the supermarket. Higher cost of living?

All in all, there were six fishes caught. Nope, still don’t know what fish these are, well, I know them as 2 dark ones, and 4 yellow ones. Was told the yellow ones are very nice. The flesh is very smooth.

Of course, after catching them, need to de-scale and clean the fishes. Before that, need to "stun" them first so that they don't flip flop here and there before you gut them (CRUEL!!). That’s me cleaning the fish. Yeah right! :P

Fresh fish anybody?


Anonymous said...

Very impressive. Your parents really know how to take advantage of situation.

Chillies cost more when it rained because dampness would cause deterioration of chilli very fast. So, it would cost more when it rains. Usually chilli prices range from RM5 to RM11. And would hit the roof when it's near festive season.

Alex said...

Hi gina, well, I guess perhaps my dad is semi retired... cut costs?... That's why he plants vege in the garden for home consumption etc. , and we have some fruit trees. Guarantee no insecticides, etc... pure fresh and clean. :)

The pond has been there for a while already too. Quite a few fishes there. Usually come festive season, my uncles would come over and "fish" to ta pau.

Alex said...

Wah! Didn't realise about the chillie thingy, so yes, it has been raining very often in Sarawak. Finally understand...

laymank said...

talking about cutting open the guts of the fish...

I still remember i almost puke when i cut the fish in the lab during school day. it smelt worse and fouler than the stomach of a frog!

Alex said...

Hey laymank, I didn't smell anything though, just looking at it is like...urghh.....!! still, never see these things when we eat fish or meat before it is de-skinned...