Friday, September 29, 2006

Drawing Parallels

For the past week, as I leave my place and walk up the slope to my car to travel to work, the sun has just about risen over the horizon. Sometimes I see it bright and true, and sometimes peeking out from clouds, as though shy to give the world its morning light. At times though, it has been shaded totally by the haze, casting thus a greyish hue to the entire scene. Still, the changing colours of the sky as it begins its morning ascend can still be pretty captivating, especially if watched from a place of quiet, to enjoy the serenity of the moment. Many a times I have taken, just for a few moments to savour the moment, thankful for another day before heading to work.

This is the thing, there is only one sun. Yet, the view changes as time moves. Our view is influenced by the many events happening, even to where we are at or who we are with at that particular moment whilst watching the sunrise.

What! Never seen the sun rise? Huh? Never get up early enough? Huh? Lucky bugger!… but sometimes, a break from normal routine serves as a great boost to our internal system. The last time I purposely woke up to see the sunrise was in Redang (wah! So the many years back oh! Must find time to go again).

Is it a misnomer too, then to say that the sun has risen? We learn when young, that the sun rises from the east and sets in the west. Well, that’s only perception and the obvious of what we see. In reality? Does the sun move, or does the earth dance a constant spin while it circles the sun?

A few times I have thought about this, and more often that not, I think back to my life, and try to see how others perceive me to be. My daily life is influenced by so many events, by my mood, by other people’s mood, by work schedules, by health, by emotions, by stresses, etc. At the end of the day, it is still me, but how people perceive me differs from one moment to another. I guess who I really am inside also changes as the sun may change.

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