Saturday, August 05, 2006

Book Sales

Have you ever gone nuts over a sale? The last time I did was last year, over a sale conducted by MPH for members. That time, I had lots of book vouchers which I redeemed from my credit card reward programme. My credit card annual fee was falling due, and I wrote in nicely asking for a waiver but hinted that I would terminate my card if it was not approved, but still they rejected my application! So, before I terminated my card, I redeemed my reward points and got lots of MPH vouchers to use.

This time, MPH just had their members' sale, but there weren't many books which I was looking for. Only bought 3 books as a continuation of various sagas I have been following. Got 15 percent off my purchases. And you know what? I only found out about the sale recently. About 2 weeks prior to the sale, I bought 2 books at normal price! Bummer! Should have waited, but being a bit kiasu, quickly bought them on the spot when I wandered into the shop during lunch time! What was worst is that I bought 3 heavy duty X-men collection comic books in MPH 1Utama about one month back, which cost me quite a bit! Hmpphhh!

The last book I finished reading was L.E. Modessit Jr's "The Parafaith War". It's more futuristic science fiction type, as opposed to the fantasy science fiction which I prefer. Am currently starting on "Adiamante", but struggling through it at the moment due to time. Too tired out most days, only when I get some "my" time, or just before bedtime. However, I note that reading just before I sleep only gets me past a few pages before I totally conk out. Why aren't there enough hours in a day?

Which authors do I read? I read various actually, but skewed to the science fiction genre; David Gemmel, Raymond E. Feist, L.E. Modessit Jr, R.A. Salvatore, Terry Brooks, Trudi Canavan, Robin Hobb, David Eddings, Anne McCaffrey, and many others. My all time favourites at the moment are David Gemmel, L.E. Modessit Jr, and Raymond E. Feist (in this order!). Buying books can be real costly, but I guess I am now lucky enough to indulge occassionally (like during sales period). When I started working, had to sometimes rent books to read because I couldn't afford to satisfy my reading hobby. So cham!... sniff, sniff! (wiping away a tear).


Zalina Lee said...

Hey, dude!!!

You read Hobb! Cool! How's Shaman's Crossing? The new Eddings series irritates me. And I'm not too keen on buying the concluding book.

Pinjam your Modesitt's? :D Never tried. Trade you for whatever I got in my fantasy selection :D

And yeah, I bought a shitload of books in the past six months, and picked up yet ANOTHER set of the Avatar series (I must of bought at least 2 sets in the past which got borrowed and never returned to me) during the sale period...hehe.

Alex said...

Hey Aari, haven't read Shaman's Crossing yet. Will pinjam you the Modesitt's sometime! See you.