Tuesday, January 10, 2006


There have been so many jokes about exercising, or the lack of it that sometimes, it doesn’t seem funny anymore. And related to it, is of course, the size of a person. The one I like best is “I am in shape. Round is a shape!”.

Yeah, one of my new year resolution is to get fitter, to lose a few inches off the waist and of course, the ever important, to shed a few pounds. Was sitting down watching TV this afternoon, and lo and behold, a commercial came up advertising about “Abs super(?)” or something like that. Enticing one and all to get those of very firm abs by using the exercise machine for 3 minutes a day, 10-day money back guarantee for RM399.00 excluding delivery cost of RM19.99 in the Klang Valley. Sshhh! I still remember it, so the advert must have worked on me.

Back to the point – Exercise. Defined by my ever reliable “The Collins – Paperback English Dictionary” which I was given on 27 May 1998 by my College for industrious work (yeah, bragging a bit). I remember the date, because there is a note attached to the dictionary. I think I got it for a research and composition on Orangutans as part of my fourth year Biology Assignment. The teacher (Mrs. Tressider) was suitably impressed and recommended me for the prize. Biology, now that is the one and only science topic which I took up. Strangely, I did bits of Chemistry, Physics and Biology when I was still studying in Malaysia, but realised that I had no interest in the sciences at all. However, when I was in College in Dover, I had to take at least one science subject, and took the one which interest me at least a little bit. Ah, but I digress – Exercise – “to put into use; employ” as firstly defined, and “to practise using in order to develop or train”. I guess for me, to put into use those oh very lax muscles (there are some I hope) and hope to get a trimmer me.

To date, I have exercised twice (not bad, since I only exercised once the whole of last year, an improvement of 100%, and it’s only 10 days into the year). Once last Friday at the gym when I went on the treadmill, and discovered how unfit I was. Played a bit of table tennis with one of my new colleague. Obviously, she’s better at the game than I am, but still ok since we played close to an hour. An another time today when I went to Taman Tasik Perdana for a bit of a jog (more like a walk for me) with a friend. All in all, covered at least 5 km before it started to drizzle. Quite a nice place to walk around or do some jogging. There are different trails – uphill, downhill, straight paths, and even steps for climbing up and down. Also looked like a fun place for kids to hang out, what with the children’s park and all. But of course, I had to eat Satay after that and drink Neslo shake to quench the thirst, although I did limit it to 10 sticks only (opps, and a tosei, but that’s it!).

Leg muscles aching a bit now, but should not be as bad as time goes. Suffered a bit during the weekend, especially after Friday’s exercise session. Squatting down was a killer, and could feel all the aches. What I wouldn’t do for a good massage!


laymank said...

Exercise as new year resolution eh!?

Come join me for weekday jogging! We'll arrange some... to keep us fit!

Anonymous said...

Errr.. slowly... Let me get fitter first, otherwise won't be able to keep up with you. :)

Anonymous said...

ya! actually, walking down not to bad, but walking up... did it a couple of times previously, and it was a torture.

Anonymous said...

After CNY, will join Jeff for jogging. Seriously think the festive season would pump us up. Now a bit lazy.