Friday, December 22, 2006

Be Spontaneous!

Went to see "Happy Feet" the other day, and liked the show very much. The story line although appearing simple, but if you think carefully enough, there are lots of hidden messages in the show. It's not my intention to do a review of the show, as I don't think I would be able to do it justice. So much emotions in one show; joy, sadness, loneliness, adventure, fear, love, acceptance... the list could go on. Simply magic.

I liked the music, I liked the dancing, I liked the jokes made in the movie, I liked many things about the movie (especially the amigos!). Just go watch it for the sheer joy of it all!

One scene which really made an impact on me was when Mumble (the baby emperor penguin) tried to sing, and the class singing teacher referred him to another singing sensation penguin for special lessons. When Mumble was asked to be spontaneous and let out his joy through song, he tap danced his heart away ....... That to me, was simply breathtaking in all its innocence and sheer exuberance.

And don't you think the baby penguins are cute? :)


Anonymous said...

Yeah. I love it! It's so hilarious and since you mentioned it, there is a subtle msg behind every scene. Thanks for pointing it out.

Anonymous said...

I just loved the dialogues of the amigos!


Merry Christmas, Alexis!

Anonymous said...

interesting... did'nt realised either. thks!

orh yeah... it's kind of belated... Merry Christmas 'n' Happy New Year to u 2! :D

Anonymous said...

Except the seal which they potrayed so badly. Seals are cute!