Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm lovin' it

Was at McD at KL Sentral yesterday evening for dinner to car pool with someone for a carolling rehearsal session somewhere around Brickfields. I ordered my usual "Chicken McNugget Medium Set - with extra Sweet and Sour Sauce, and Orange as a drink". Been a while since I had their pineapple pie, but they only served apple pie then. Don't know why though, but I bought it all the same. Anyway, I have usually prefered McD to KFC (but KFC's hot and spicy is good!).

As I was enjoying my meal, I noticed two foreign travellers clearing their trays after finishing, and it brought back memories that hey!, I used to do that (i.e. clear the tray and leftovers) after the meal when I was studying overseas. But, it seems to be a Malaysian "thing" to just eat and leave, and let the McD staff to clear the table. It is very rare to see Malaysians tidying up after going to a fast food outlet. Why do you think that is so? Why do we want people to "tidy after us" in this aspect, and is it ingrained in our system, that for other things we do, we let others "clear our rubbish" so to say? Why can't we "clear our own rubbish"?

As I was posing this question to my friend, she had a different perspective. She said that the McD staff are paid to "tidy up" after guests leave, and why should we make life easy for them? She also indicated that most are school holiday part timers and want to earn some pocket money. Why should we deprive them from gainful employment. I was like "Huh?! True also!", and have never even considered it from that angle.

But if I was in their shoes, don't I want an easier task to do? It's not a matter of being lazy, more a matter of having your customers or clients being more considerate. My friend indicated that from her work experience, having to deal with a lot of government staff's working mentality (and yes, I know I am generalising here - and not all are like that), she is disillussioned. I guessed that in a way, it is a form of "letting go" the frustration, and hence may unintentionally reciprocate in kind. :(

I don't know. I perceive it from a different perspective. I see that if all do at least one or two good deeds for a day, it may brighten up someone's day. That person you had inadvertantly smiled at, or assisted, or even helped cross the street, may be literally down in the dumps, but that single deed being freely given, may have made an impact, no matter how small, and may have cheered the person up in someway. Do you only look to "big" things people do for you and not consider those little things someone else may do for you? Have you treasured the little things others have done for you?

Actually, been meaning to blog about something related to this for a while already, but have been caught up with something or another. It's the little "love" which can be spread and many take for granted. Hands up please, those who seldom say "thank you" to your mothers? There are so many small things mothers do for us which we take for granted. One which comes to mind, was my mother peeling rambutans to chill in the fridge on her own self accord. Why? Because we like to eat the rambutans chilled, and so that we don't have to peel it ourselves. But what made this event "special" in a way? Well, she has previously undergone operations for arthritis in the hands, yet, she conveyed her love for us in a way she knew how, even though we told her not to peel the rambutans for us as we can do it ourselves. How often have you taken your mother or family members for granted?

And yes, when I left McD's after my meal, I cleared my tray, including my friend's.


Anonymous said...

The only folks I've seen to actually practice that is the japanese. They even have separate bins for ice, plastic and food waste. The first time I went to a mcd's there the man at the table beside me actually tried to tell me in japanese to clear my own table.
Even in UK the people leave their trays behind.

no ofence meant, but I think your friends excuse for not clearing the table sounds a lil bit immature.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...fact is, people are paid to do certain things but that still shouldn't stop us from being considerate. The world will truly be an awful place if we can't spread a little "love" around. Consideration, kindness, generosity of spirit to strangers counts a lot; for your own well being/peace of mind as well as that of others rather than being calculative.

Funnily enough, if you truly treat others like you want to be treated, in general, you will be treated nicely. That's my experience. Sure there will be some hiccups on the road of life...but in general, people do respond in kind.

Good on you for clearing up!

See you at rehearsals.

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. my friends who came back from overseas - all clear their trays when we go to Mc Donalds.. ho hum...

laymank said...

I had that embarassing moment when I was in Phoenix's Subway. It's just so not in our blood to do that, but my colleagues reminded me. :)

I have ppl who told me the same about 'paid to clean up' and stuff. In US, fast food restaurant doesn't charge extra 5% for service or tax, that's why all the customer are expected to DIY.

Right here, we are taxed 5 + 10%, that's the mentality generally perceived here. A difference between table service and self service.

Do you do that just in McD, or you will do in all your future visits to KFC, Domino, Pizza Hut, Subway, Coffee Bean, Starbucks, etc?


Alex said...

Hi yuin, the last time I was in UK, we cleared our own trays. Have times changed so much already? :)

Hi nige, yeah... the world needs more loving! :P

Hi ky, what? You mean you don't? Why not? :)

Hi laymank, come to think of it, I seem inclined to do so only at fastfood outlets like McD and KFC. Must "contemplate" more on Starbucks, CoffeeBean, Austin Chase, etc... Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

I mean, it's good lah if you help to clear the trays and all. But sometimes you look at the people working there - such lazy asses. Say fastfood only.. but service slow like shit.. So, might as well let them do it.

Alex said...

Hi all, yeah, there are various pros and cons about this, but at the end of the day, it really depends on the point of view.

Yes, we pay the service charge, so technically, it should be part of the service for them to clear the tray, (hence, possibly why I never seem to clear my own tray when I am at Starbucks or Coffee Bean, etc), and not even at McD until that day. If we don't do it, it is NOT that we are mean or inconsiderate. Part of our culture inculcated in us, I guess.

However, sometimes, little things people do for others could brighten someone's day, and that was what I was aiming at.