Saturday, January 10, 2009

To hit the shuttle.. or not!

Had a session of badminton today. It has been more than 1 year (or was it 2?) plus since I last played, and it showed! Hand and eye coordination deteriorated significantly, and in the "excitement" as another player mentioned, I hit the shuttlecock too early too many times and missed completely. Definitely a disastrous 1st game.

And yeah, the whole fitness issue again. Sigh, need to go on the treadmill more. After one game only, and it's a faster 21-point system as opposed to the 15-point system that I am used to, I felt quite drained.

But as the matches progressed, the reflexes began to come back, and the familiary of the strokes and the various dropshots began to be more effective.

Alas, still a long way to go though before I get my fitness and my game to the level it was before in the days of old. And I am sure I would be aching at various places come tomorrow, but it felt good to at least perspire and comfort myself that I exercised this week! Hopefully more to come.


ml said...

the court was waiting for you rather than you waiting for the court. haha :) don't sit there, play more and your fitness level will be regained.

laymank said...


Well done!

Exercise more!

Anonymous said...

Things speak for itself "chapbalang" ;P.
Hey, I thought it's the same technique as squash...which you played very well