Thursday, June 19, 2008

Attack of the Coughing Germs

One of the things I detest most is falling ill. With the unhealthy city air (despite the rain to clear the very air we inhale), and the various congestions, both human and traffic, it is a wonder that one isn't ill most of the time.

I guess germs would happily sing their la-la songs and would greatly procreate in such environment. With me being of such frail health, am easily susceptible to the ever constant migration of such microbes.

I tell you, every year, towards the middle of the year, I would get long bouts of chesty persistent cough which would be so difficult to get rid of. At the moment though, have progressed to the initial stages of coughing. Not to the extent of coughing until I wheeze and what nots, but bad enough that when I talk, my conversation repeatedly gets interrupted by me noisily expelling air from my lungs.

Oh, and headache comes with such symptoms too. Not only that, my vocal chords are slowly going off, gets harder to talk (let alone sing - arghh! may have to cancel my vocal class this Saturday). And what's more, my mood gets affected, and I get really crabby easily, shooting daggers with my eyes and woe to the unfortunate souls who cross my path and test my patience. Sigh, my only consolation is that my voice gets "sexier", but certainly not appreciated in such circumstances.

And you know what, I think my parents had the foresight to bestow upon me a chinese name "Great Health" as a form of protection or charm, otherwise, I wouldn't know where I would be today, probably coughing my lungs out even more I guess.

Anyway, as one would often wish to others, "Drink lots of water with extra dollops of honey" and don't stand too close to me, otherwise I won't be held liable for my coughing germs to go merrily a trotting to you to get better aquianted. Be well.


Anonymous said...

Ahem.. it's all your priest's fault lah. He cough on the holy communion before passing to you last Sunday. Lol!

ml said...

better don't eat chicken or else it will prolong your cough. i can't explain to you how scientifically, but i experienced it myself. get well soon.