Sunday, January 27, 2008

To pant or not to pant...

When I first heard of the pacesetter run which the company I worked for was sponsoring, I was so excited and eager to join. There was the 10km, 20km, and 30km categories, and since I have never tried, I submitted the joining form way in advance for the 10km category.

The day approached, and I almost couldn't sleep in anticipation of waking up early and be there early at the starting point to get "early bird" prizes. With the roar of participants eager to depart at the 6:50am flag off time at the Lake Gardens, I went up a gear, and match the runners pace for pace.

After a good 1 hour and 10 mins, the finishing line was in sight, and the thunderous cheer from the crowd welcoming runners amidst various congratulatory greetings boomed through the area. I stepped up another gear, and ran my fastest along the home stretch, passing a number of other runners and crossed the finishing line amidst the welcoming cheer. Alas, I didn't manage to rank within the top 30 runners (there were more than 300 runners), but I got a medal at least to show for my effort.

Now, that is a very good dream eh? And the reality?
a. I did go for the 10km run, albeit reluctantly.
b. Saw company emails flying around promoting the event, but kept quiet about it. Definitely don't want to sign up.
c. But alas, got an email from "the top", politely worded to say "JOIN"! *(@#$@*&@$
d. Had to get up at an unearthly 5:30am to ensure I get to the starting point on time.
e. Left house, and noticed that there were police blocks on roads heading to the starting point for those (beep-censored-beep) running the 30km stretch whose flag off time was before 6:00am! Began to worry about reaching venue.
f. A policewoman let me enter the cordoned off road after I explained my predicament. She said I should have been there earlier before the road closure. Bitch!
g. I should have just turned around and headed for home.
h. Got to the venue, and hunted quite a while for a parking space (near the Bukit Aman car park), which incidentally, took me a good 15 to 20 mins just to get to the starting point (the boathouse). Looking at the bright side, the long walk at least served as a warm up exercise.
g. Got the starting point with just four minutes to spare.
h. Wanted to moan and groan that it is too early in the morning but overheard that there were others in the same boat. Heard that another department head signed up his staff for the run. Like being coerced.
i. I walked and walked and walked. Ran a bit on the downhill stretches, but mostly walked.
j. Finished my 10km in exactly 1 hour 48 minutes. Best time for the men's category was under 1 hour. So, what's another hour right?
k. Was given vouchers for nasi lemak (seriously!), sandwiches, cendol and drinks to replenish energy and strength, which I heartily consumed.
l. After resting for a bit, tried to find my way back to the carpark, and subsequently spent a good half an hour walking around looking for it. *&@*&#@#*#
m. Finally found my car after almost getting lost, and went home.
n. Yeah, got a medal to show that I actually finished.
o. Almost sprained my left ankle after stumbling twice running downhill (see? I must not run, must walk).
p. Middle toe on my right foot had a bad bruise. I forgot to cut my toenails, and the nail kept pressing on my socks and running shoes. Till today (a week already), it is still bruised. Blood clot there already I think. Not a pretty sight.

And for those who still don't believe, here's "the other side" of my medal to show that I actually completed the 10km distance even without going to the gym to prepare. Also for those who are in the 4-digit business, here's my number and hope you strike the lottery. Just remember to share it with me as I did all the hardwork ...


Anonymous said...

Did someone just say the B word? Hahahahha!!!

Wah.. very proud of you lah. I think if I were you, I would probably fake an MC.

You stumbled twice?? Lucky still can get up and walk.

laymank said...

I need to resume exercises when I got back.

Here although got the facilities, but lacks the motivation to do it. sigh...

ml said...

let's go exercise beramai-ramai. ky, we are here for you. :)