Monday, June 18, 2007

Onward Ho to Saigon!

Ho Chi Minh City ("HCM"), or otherwise known as Saigon, beckoned last Friday 15 June 2007. Was up early, at an unheard of hour, to travel to the airport, but the flight, originally scheduled for 8:00am, was delayed to 8:45am. Darn, could have slept in for another good 45 minutes! HCM is situated in Southern Vietnam, and has a violent history of war with the Americans. My last trip to Vietnam was to Hanoi (Northern Vietnam) and my previous chronicles can be found via:

a. Hunting for food
b. Halong Bay
c. Back to Hanoi and Shopping
d. On to Tam Coc!
e. Free and Easy

Arrived in Tan Son Nhut International Airport, and first impression was that it was crowded, and it was hot. Think there's a new terminal going to be opened soon also. And guess what!, there was a blackout at the airport. Apparently quite common in the city as I noticed during the trip there. Also noticed that my luggage had been tampered with. The lock and luggage zipper were broken, and later, I found out that the luggage was rummaged through, but nothing was taken. Guess whoever was involved was looking for expensive items. All I had in the luggage were clothers, a pair of shoes and some toiletries. Been a while since I took a flight from the main airport, as I usually travel on the budget airline, and this was the consequence.

First stop was the War Remnants Museum, which documented the atrocities of the Vietnam War. There were disturbing displays of human cruelty during the war which included numerous gruesome photographs, a real guillotine (which I found very eerie), a simulated "tiger cage" prison and jars of deformed feotuses blamed on Agent Orange. I personally found this not a good start to the trip, due to the depressing consequences of war, and as though Saigon remembered the atrocities, the heavens opened and cried bucketsful, drenching some of us somewhat as we rushed to get back to the coach.

After checking in at the New World Hotel, the afternoon's sojourn was just a few minutes walk away to the nearby Ben Thanh market, which opens from 6:00am to 6:00pm daily. Spent more than 3 hours there, yet didn't manage to finish shopping! Only finished shopping because there was a blackout, and the shops were in effect, forced to closed early. Overspent "a bit", and I found that the stuffs here were generally cheaper than Hanoi's. And you know what? The traders at Ben Thanh market will accept either Vietnamese Dong or US Dollar, and even Malaysian Ringgit at certain outlets! A calculator came in handy (I used my handphone), to do the various currency conversions to eeke out the best deal! :)

Actually, I wasn't the only one who didn't have enough time shopping at this market. There were many talks among my travel mates during dinner of squeezing another trip to the Ben Thanh market at 6:00am the following day and then return just in time for breakfast at the hotel! As to whether I really did that or not, stay tuned! :)


Anonymous said...

I have traveled with MAS once to Kuching and once to Bali and my luggage got rummaged as well. I couldn't simply understand the management. It wasn't the case, when I travel with Bangkok Airline. And with Air Asia, fortunately, there is no such rummaging problem so far. Touch wood.

Ben Thanh market is simply much better than Dong Xuan in Hanoi. My sis really like Ben Thanh and found lack of time too to shop there.

Consequences of war are always ugly. I was still haunted by the pictures of tortured victims in Phnom Penh. I came back and couldn't sleep well for a week. Just last week, I watched the 1,000 places to go before you die, and they featured the Killing Fields of Cheoung Ek. The survivor even broke out in uncontrollable sobs when he retold his story, even after 28 years. It's that devastating.

eddY said...

nvr really been to vietnam before but after reading ur post, i think i'll think twice next time but maybe it's good for some experience. but they really search through the luggage ar? that's bad... and i bet the weather there is hotter than here rite? nway, good to have you back... catch-up soon!

Alex said...

Hi gina, yeah, war is never beautiful. Yes, Ben Thanh market is definitely better to shop than the Dong Xuan market in Hanoi! :)

Hi eddy, if you ask me, I would go again. There are lots to see and experience which I will cover in my next few posts. The war is part and parcel of Vietnam's history but the country has moved on since then, with the myriad development and growth experienced. Should go and visit. Always interesting to see a new country.

laymank said...

thanks for the clear guided map for geo-idot like me.
