Took an online quiz recently, regarding "What Musical Instrument Are You"? And my result?
You are very conservative around people you don't know, but if you are comfortable in a situation you REALLY know how to let loose. You consider your intelligence to be your greatest asset and are not afraid to show that to other people. This can make you come off as somewhat 'stuck-up'; but let's face do think you're better than everyone else. You have a flair for sophistication and can be a really great party host. You tend to over analyze your physical appearance and can be a bit TOO organized at times. Somehow, there's a semblance of truth in there somewhere... :)
But why a flute? I tried once but simply can't blow a single note out of it. Much prefer the Sax...
Yeah.. I am a violin... sad tunes.. and damn emotional. Haha!
A flute can be both heart-piercing and soul-throbbing. It can giggle and groan. It needs to be warmed up but then becomes part of you. Despite all this, on two separate quizzes which I found through Google (I'm not sure which one was the one you took; it may have been a completely separate one), I was a violin and a saxophone respectively. I have been looking at stringed instruments recently, but more harpish or guitar-y than a bowed instrument. Saxophones rock but if I'm going to be revisiting wind again, I need to get back up to speed with my flute. I've just bought an electronic tuner as I do not have a keyboard at home yet. Am strongly contemplating purchasing an 88 key Yamaha though. My house is too small even for an upright, and although electronic keyboards have disadvantages, as my house is one of a terrace, its major advantage is that I can play it with headphones and not disturb the neighbours! I didn't know you had tried the flute once. The embouchure takes time :)
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