Friday, November 23, 2007

Those were the days...

Recently joined Facebook, and found some old friends online. Managed to hook up with some of my old college mates, and one of them posted a picture from my college days. It was taken during the 1991 summer ball in Dover College. Wow! So long ago, and golly! I was so skinny back then! Certainly bring back a lot of memories... One or two of my friends have asked me to go back for a visit, but since returning so many years ago, haven't been back to the UK at all. I know some of my college mates have been back to the school, and yes, have been tempted more than once to revisit and see the changes that have occured, but alas, have not found the right time. One day... one day...

It was then predominantly a boarding school, but I think it has changed with the majority now being day students. I was in Leamington house for four years, and yes, rivalry in terms of athleticism and sports activities were pretty intense amongst the various houses. For those who have not stayed in a boarding school in UK, think Harry Porter with the various houses. :P

I guess overall, it was certainly an experience, and a time for personal growth. I relish the exposure given in terms of music (which I was active in, and will post about this one day), sports (tried a bit of rugby, cricket, hockey, tennis, but never excelled in any, except perhaps for badminton), and the opportunity to socialise with people from various countries. Got to know some English mates, Scots, Welsh, Germans, Spaniards, Bermudian, Japanese, Greeks, Hongkies, Americans, Singaporeans, Malaysians, Guyanans :P, etc. Of course, some were friendlier than others... And it was interesting to pick up a few foreign words here and there! More often than not, such words were not suitable for polite conversations... LOL!!! And I can actually remember some of the words...!!! Hahaha....

And once every four years or so, there will be a photo session with the entire school, and by individual houses. I actually have this group photo framed up, somewhere in my room back in Sarawak. Looking at these pictures make me want to dig back those old photos and imagine myself back in the yesteryears... Can you tell which is me? :P


Anonymous said...

Eh.. you look a bit like one Hong Kong actor when you were skinny. Hahahahahahah!!!!!!!! OH BOY! That picture is priceless!

ml said...

wahhhhh, the pic is really 'loh meng' wor! u looked like the handsome hong kong hot actor, raymond lam fung when u were...YOUNGER in the yesteryear. :)

Anonymous said...


like to see you in that 'size' again!

Jia You!!!

Elaine Gaye said...

Strange timing. For the first time in 31 years of living in the UK, my parents had a proper American Thanksgiving, with my dad's older brother and his wife visiting from New York and everything. Dad had propped up the 91 DC school photo on top of a piece of furniture in the dining room, and as I was putting dishes away after the meal on Thursday, I looked at the picture for the first time in years!

DC very different now. Buildings now do different things, Belmont & POW are gone, St Martin's is a girls' house now, it's very strange. I haven't been back in a while, but James took his wife there earlier this year, saw Mr Hill and Mr Vanderhoeven also I think.