Wednesday, October 03, 2007

What De...??

The SP Choir presented "Circlesongs" recently at The Actors Studio Bangsar, and I went on 2Oct07 mainly to support a few members I know who were performing. The programme described the concert as:

1. Choral Improvisation
2. Dynamic Vocal Exploration
3. Rhythmic Energy
4. Universal Sounds
5. Musical Celebration of Spontaneity

And, it was certainly that! In short, it was essentially an on-the-spot jamming session for singing as well as body percussion, and even some tap dancing. Now before going to the concert, I did not expect much (after hearing mixed reviews about it), but somehow found it pretty interesting. The tap dancing added a different feel and literally gave some variation to the show, which I liked. Way cool!

Certain "songs" were highly charged, while others almost made it. Again, a few members literally shone on stage, while others were slightly more inhibited. But then again, for such a spontaneous jamming session, got to really let loose. Of course, some were more creative than others. As usual, for such improvisation, ZL, YOU ROCK!!! :)

Strangely enough, given that I am usually "in the box" kind of guy, I do appreciate such jamming sessions. Have you ever sat at a piano and letting loose on the ivories? Once a while, it creates such an adrenaline rush, that it is amazing. Of course, one can literally fall flat on the face too...

But the show was not only for the particants and audiences, it was also to support the Independent Pet Rescuers Malaysia. Awww... More can be found about the IPR here.

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