Friday, June 23, 2006

Durian anyone?

Fancy any durian? It is one of my favourite fruits. I can eat it for lunch or dinner just like that, and I love the smell! Surprisingly, I don’t like cheese, but adore durians. I especially like the slightly bitter ones. They are simply the best! And I enjoy a good burp after eating durians to savour the smell.

Opening it is a challenge because of the thorns, but after learning how to open durians since young, “no problemo” now! The other good thing is, after opening the durian, put them in a container and chill it in the fridge. Simply the best!

In Sarawak, we also get the “red durians”. The texture is drier and the colour is flaming orangy-red. Have not seen these here in West Malaysia.

Source: Wikipedia
The durian is the fruit of trees belonging to the genus Durio. There are currently 30 recognised Durio species, all native to south-eastern Asia. At least nine species produce edible fruit. Durio zibethinus is the only species available in the international market, but other species can be found in local markets in their native region. The durian is distinctive for its large size, unique odour, and its formidable thorn-covered husk. Its name comes from the Malay word duri, meaning "thorn". The fruit can grow up to 40 cm long and 30 cm in diameter, and typically weighs one to five kg. The shape of the fruit ranges from oblong to round, the colour of its husk green to brown, and its flesh pale-yellow to red, depending on species. Its hard outer husk is covered with sharp, prickly thorns, and the flesh within emits a strong, distinctive odour. Some regard this odour as fragrant, while the uninitiated often find it overpowering or offensive. The edible portions of the fruit are the custard-like flesh and the seed.

The only thing I haven’t learnt is how to select good durians. Do you shake it? Smell it? Or what? Hmm… Sadly, it is not an all year round affair, as the durian tree depends on the season to bear fruit.

Do you like durians?


Anonymous said...

Love durians too. Heard one of my colleague going to organise a trip to Changkak for durian feast. Don't know when lah. You really tempt me now.

laymank said...

Liulian! muak!

Anonymous said...

Hey lsg and laymank, yeah, Liulian is the BEST! :)