Wednesday, February 01, 2006

4th day of CNY

Day 4 of the Chinese New Year. Didn’t get much done today, woke up late again after catching the first few episodes of Survivor Australia (Season 2) until late last night. Was continuing for a couple more episodes later towards the early afternoon.

My dad suggested going out for dinner at this eatery place called Shan Foo Seafood Restaurant situated along the Kuching / Serian highway. More commonly known as “at the 22nd mile” place. My elder sister kindly mentioned that the dinner will be on her. What I had initially thought of as just a family dinner turned out to be a bigger event, when some of my other uncles and aunties were also invited. There were about 17 adults and 9 kids, all squashed to 2 tables. Luckily we made reservations, and pre-ordered the food, cos’ we later found out that there was going to be a wedding dinner there at the same time. And yeah, when we went, I didn't gel my hair again!

It took about 20 minutes drive from Serian, and my family got there just before 6:30pm. Surprise, surprise, my other uncles and aunties were all late, and the last one trotted in with his family just before 7:00pm. Whilst waiting, we stood around enjoying the view of the pond (with lots of fishes swimming around). At one moment, there was a group of white birds (at least 50 of them I think), which flew around the place. Against the backdrop of the hill behind us, it made a wonderful sight indeed. Alas, I wasn’t quite enough with my phone camera to snap a picture before the moment passed.

Was seated next to one of my uncles, and when the rice came, we noted that the there was a lot of rice put into the various bowls of rice. My uncle commented that is was a “car road” (direct translation from Hakka) serving. Implying that it was “backwards”, and that the rice should be just filled to the top of the bowl. However, he mentioned that last time (my dad had 13 brothers and sisters all together), there was a lack of food when he was younger, and that my grandmother had to mix potatoes to the rice. Rice was expensive and was under ration in the 1940s. My grandmother also insisted on eating rice with chopsticks. The point of the comment? Well, I think he was just thinking back to old times and comparing what there was to eat then as a large struggling family, and now, with food in abundance. I recalled my younger aunties mentioning previously, that my grandfather discouraged talk during dinner. My uncle said of course it was the case. Nobody wanted to talk, as the food on the table would be gone by the time you finish what you wanted to say with so many hungry brothers and sisters around.

Our food came, seven dishes in total. We had “su-choi” (don’t know how to translate that, but it’s a green vegetable dish), hot plate venison, sweet and sour pork (but of course!), fried chicken, a cold dish (with at least five different varieties), steamed fresh fish, another veggie dish and lastly dessert. We also had lots to drink, combination of soft drinks to iced-coffee (Kopi-O-Peng, and Kopi-Peng), and even 2 bottles of red wine which we brought ourselves.

Half way through the dinner, it got dark outside, and sure enough, we saw some fireworks at a distance. The young ones were so excited, going around here and there. The wedding dinner “next door” so to say, had a karaoke session and we were entertained to Chinese songs all through our makan session. I must admit, one or two of the singers were very good, but mostly “can do’lah”, even though I didn’t understand a single word of what was being sung. Some of the songs were very upbeat for a dinner I think, but I guessed it added variety to the entertainment.

There will be another dinner on Thursday (i.e. tomorrow), and the cuisine will be western, as invited by my uncle. It is thus not surprising that I put on weight every time I come back to Sarawak (even for a short break).


laymank said...

'Cute' hairstyle... ;p muahahaha!

didn't have gel back in hometown? ever consider 'something about Mary'? muahahaha! ;p

Anonymous said...

hey laymak, heheee... have gel here, but didn't bother gelling my hair. On holiday muh! :) my younger sister told me that one of my younger cousins asked her about me, as to whether I just woke up or something as my hair was "standing" in places..... think I had better gel my hair for this evening's outing then.

Hey meow, Yes! got a red one to go with the yellow and orange, but it's a subtle shade of red.. i.e. maroon. will wear it tonight then! :)