Friday, April 24, 2009


Now this is cruel, to be done to a dog that is, but to a CAT? "Here kitty, kitty! Faster kitty, kitty! :)

Sometimes in life, you come across people who have nothing better to do than to make things difficult for others. Am not talking about the uncooperativeness nor the unresponsiveness of some, but more so the ones who seek to do damage to others purely for the fun of it. Such malice is unfortunately found in some, and whilst talking to my insurance agent the other day, it made me think back to some ex-colleagues who are now working for the insurance agent's company (my competitor). Never had I come across such political manipulation until casualties were strewn all across the department. In essence, "if you are not with me, you are my enemy".

I count my blessings now that the present working environment is relatively healthy, with good camaraderie and teamwork. Hopefully it remains that way, with no casualties such as poor ol' Fifi.

1 comment:

gina said...

The same goes to friendships too. Sometimes there are entrapment in relationships as well. haha!

It's you have to take my side, or you are my enemy.