Sunday, August 17, 2008

Of time spent in The Land of the Rising Sun

Haven't blogged for a bit as was travelling as well as procrastinating too much. Towards the end of last month, was in Japan to attend a course related to my work. One thing I must say is that the people were extremely organised and even allowed us time to sight see by finishing at 4:00pm almost everyday that the course was on. Weekends allowed for even more shopping (but things are very expensive comparatively to Malaysia) and to travel around for the sights.

Was in Yokohama and Tokyo mostly, but managed to pop by Kamakura as well as seeing the sights of Hakone. Initially planned to blog my way through each day, but decided against it. Suffice to say that it is a beautiful place, but very hot in the summer. Came back with a tan just by walking around. It is a place intermingling the fast paced modernised world as well as the more zen like historically rich culture.

During the course itself, even managed to do a cultural exchange programme, whereby a few of us enjoed a cosy home style dinner at one of the staff's own private residence exchanging stories of our differing lifestyles as well as the type of food we have in our country. A wonderful experience indeed and a special Domo Arigatou to Taki-San and wife for the experience.


Anonymous said...

So .. what did you have for dinner at Taki-san's house? Since you don't eat raw food.. and don't really fancy fish? Haha! Nice pictures! :D

laymank said...

haha... good question wor!!