Incidentally, what is there to do and see in Cameron Highlands? Well, there are the flowers, and flowers, and err.. flowers… of varying degrees of shapes, sizes, and colours. And no, I still don't know my flowers, except for the obvious few (like roses, and err.. daisies... and err..tulips!, sunflower,... orchids!... and one or two more types!). Hei! I can name petunias, dandelions, carnations, etc... and even bluebells, but ask me to identify them from a picture, well, sorry mate... no can do. Then again, would go by powers of deduction, and guess that bluebells are flowers which are blue in colour and are shaped like bells! :P Prices are cheap too! (but then again, it's not valentine's day yet - but would guess it would still be a tad cheaper).
Of course, due to the cooler climate, the place is popular for cheap vegetables and mushrooms (I bought like so many packets, I still have some left in the fridge after almost one week).
Then there is of course, jagung (or corn) in plentiful, and they taste really sweet and crunchy. Yum! :) Now, I am not a major fan of corn, but sometimes, passing through the pasar malam (night market), and smelling the jagung and various other goodies being cooked is like adding a sweet taste to the senses. My friends bought the steamed corn with melted butter, and tried to tempt me with it. I took a mouthful only, and stayed clear, as I was still too full from the heavy steamboat dinner we had earlier.
Given the cooler climate, what would be better than strawberries? Again, I am not a strawberry fan, but bought some home for the folks at home to enjoy as well. Much cheaper to buy them here in the highlands, as opposed to getting them in the city. Again, there is the iced-strawberry, strawberry jam, and other variations of strawberry stuff to tempt the palate. Strawberry sellers were trying to clear their stock, and undercut one another in terms of promotional price at the day market area around Kea Farm.
Not only are strawberries, vegetables and mushrooms in plentiful, there are of course, the various other fruits. However, these pictures were taken from Bidor on the way back from Cameron Highlands. Can you name all three types of fruits here? I was stumped with one of them. :P
And no, that's not all there is to see in the Highlands. More to come... :)