Yeah, when I first had the plant in the office, one of my kind colleague took pity on me and volunteered to help look after the plants for me (i.e. change water and give the leaves a good wash once a while), and I would occasionally top up the water, but after a few months, it seemed that my colleague also "forgot" about me, or to be specific, forgot about my plants.
So, what to do? I just added the water to the brim each time I can. Yeah, yeah, I know. I could have changed the water myself, but there are simply just to many "buts" going around that I consider them excuses for plain laziness on my part. Not a greenfinger muh! Also, even with some miniscule shading from the window pane, I think the heat from the sun have been too intense (have you ever sat basking in the sun for so long that you almost collapsed?), which had directly contributed to the sorry state of my now "died-ded" plants. So, not entirely my fault!
You should sing to them every morning. Will keep them alive even without water :)
or tell them some 'fish' jokes...
No Alex. You shouldn't use the chemical jelly for money plant. Just gather some rocks from tepi jalan or, if you go to waterfall areas, just get the batu kelikir. Change water everyday - not fill up. I am sure you would have a big fat money plant which brings you luck! Good luck!
Hi anonymous, Sing? Hahaaaa... the plants will probably die from boredom hearing my voice everyday! HAhahaaaaa
Hi laymank, "Fish" jokes... hmm. I wonder if they will understand. :)
Hey Gina, no chemical jelly used. The red thingy you see are marbles (and they didn't come cheap!). EVERYDAY? Siao ah! I am targetting now once a week (as opposed to never)! :)
maybe you should consider buying the plastic ones...
Money plant is the easiet to plant whether soil or water or jelly is also fine. However, they would get burnt in direct hot sun. Maybe you could try to put down the blinds afternoon. Give them some morning sun as well for yrself. Change water once a week pls to keep the water fresh and crisp smell. I'm sure U doesn't want to smell some sting ko water. Good baby sitting. Eh good practice as a start before U've yr own family which will take up yr day and nignt... Sorry to scare U off. Hee hee ha ha
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