Monday, October 12, 2009

Grammatical Conundrum

Oh dearie me.

Have always been puzzled by the usage of "You are welcome" vs "You are welcomed". I have always used "welcomed" instead of welcome in this context. Recently, someone said it should be "welcome" and not "welcomed".

After doing some research online, it was deduced that both are ok, depending on the usage. "Welcome" is used in the context of an adjective, and "Welcomed" in the context of a verb.

What brought this on? Well, came across this sentence in one report:

"The portfolio is expected to be underweight in bonds for 2009".

Should it be read as "The portfolio is expected to be underweighted in bonds for 2009"? Am still trying to reason it out. I think it should go in the context of adjective and verb as well.

How ah? What do you think?

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