Monday, August 31, 2009


Adverts aired in the past. Children understand, but adults? ... sigh... and even then, amongst one's own race, disunity persists. In the financial markets, some would only deal with others who are of the same "kulit" (skin). Very sad, but true. Call me idealistic, but here's hoping for a truly united country... one day... Happy Merdeka!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Of one bleach chapter and another

Yeah, been watching Bleach. Just finished chapter 133. Too preoccupied with the series to blog. Later... later... later...

Bleach Theme Song translated:

Your fragile, folded wings
are just tired from the pure blue sky.
You don’t have to force your smiles for anyone.
It’s okay to smile… for yourself.

That lonely feeling keeps creeping up on me.
A single candle burns still inside.
There shouldn’t be an expensive chandelier in a wild place like this.
Can I really bury it all with empty words?
I don’t even know anymore…

As long as we can swim freely in our dreams,
we won’t need that sky anymore.
Even if you can’t let go of the past,
I’ll still be there to meet you tomorrow.

Your fragile, folded wings
are just tired from the pure blue sky.
You don’t have to force your smiles for anyone.
It’s okay to smile… for yourself.